Sunday, August 8, 2010

Opening a store is a crazy ride!

It's been a while since I have updated on this blog. So sorry! Things have been going at lightning speed!

Our landlord says they will hopefully be done with the building August 20th. That is less than two weeks away! I can't believe it! There are still so many things I would like to get done before we move in, so that we can open faster.

Opening a store is a crazy ride! I have told people that I make about 1000 decisions a day. No joke! It's amazing the amount of things to decide - between product, books, the building, employee issues, POS systems, event planning, advertising, etc. It's all good, but just alot!

Some of my favorite things to do have been: picking out books, planning events, & talking to people about the store. Things I don't like: figuring out the POS/Inventory system (but Mike does, so it works out well), spending lots of money, & having my house taken over by boxes & store supplies. Yikes! Since I'm one that hates visual clutter, I will be glad when we move things out of the house very soon. Five of our rooms are taken over with boxes & supplies! It's kind of crazy around here.

I just started sorting through used books. I am so excited about all the new & used books we will have at the store! They are pretty awesome! Not to mention the other products that we will be selling. I am also excited for the kid's area! We are planning some very unique & special things for it. One young lady in particular, Sam, is working hard to make it very special. I can't wait to see her work!

I also have met some very wonderful people in the process of looking for consignment artwork. I met with a local family last week who will be showcasing their talents at the store. I just sat there listening to them & thinking - "what a gift these people have - how do they do it?" Extremely talented people always make me say that. I just stand in awe of their gifts. One of my favorite things to do is to encourage people to accomplish their dreams. It's one of the best things in life!

Another interesting thing that is happening is that we are now accepting applications for a part-time person. Reading through some applications is quite interesting! I'll let you just ponder what that means! I am praying & hoping that we will find the perfect fit for the store - as this person will be key as we open & get going.

Well, I need to get going. On today's agenda: talking with my dad about employment issues (he has owned several businesses through the years & is extremely knowledgable), sort books, clean the house, pay store bills (Mike does this), maybe take a nap & read a book for an hour or so,(I just got a couple more in that I want to read.), & spend time with Mike & Zack later today. Summer is going by so fast & Zack will be leaving for school soon.

I hope this gives you an idea of what goes into starting a bookstore. It can be summed up in one word: LOTS.

1 comment:

  1. Love the update, Sheri! You are definitely one of the most supportive people I've come across; your encouragement has meant so much to me over the last year+.

    Here's one question you should ask your potential hire: "Do you know how to alphabetize?" Some folks you and I know hired people without asking this and paid the price! Hard to believe, eh? :)

    Take care, and keep us posted!
